The norm of reciprocity works on a simple principle: people tend to feel compelled to return favors after people have done them favors. The numerical value of reciprocity in Chaldean numerology is as follows: 1 Reciprocity often refers to mutual exchange. Between people, it can be an exchange of things like effort or affection. However, the word is used in particular to refer to a reciprocal relationship between two countries that involves mutual policy or assistance. Two countries that advocate reciprocity may grant certain benefits or privileges to their respective citizens, or require certain obligations that the other country requires, such as a fee of . B of documents. In social psychology, reciprocity is a social norm for responding to positive action with another positive action that rewards kind actions. As a social construct, reciprocity means that people are often much kinder and much more cooperative in response to acts of kindness than the self-interest model predicts; Conversely, they are often much meaner and even brutal in response to hostile actions. [1] Negative reciprocity occurs when an action that negatively affects someone is sent back with an action that has roughly the same negative effect. [18] [21] For example, if a person commits an act of violence against a person, they are expected to return with a similar act of violence. However, if the reaction to the initial negative action in the negative value is not almost the same, this violates the norm of reciprocity and what is prescribed as permissible. [19] The aspects of retaliation, that is, the aspects of trying to come back and cause harm, are called negative reciprocity. This definition of negative reciprocity is different from how negative reciprocity is defined in other areas.
In cultural anthropology, negative reciprocity refers to trying to get something for free. [22] This is often referred to as “barter” or “bargaining” (see Reciprocity (Cultural Anthropology) for more information). When two or more people or nations have the same exchange of goods or services, they enjoy reciprocity, a situation where everyone equally benefits from the relationship. The reciprocity features of the McKinley Tariff (p. 383) have also been reinstated. The related reciprocal verb means to do something in response to an action in a way that corresponds to that action or is somehow equivalent. Such actions or relationships can be described as reciprocal. The word reciprocity refers to an act of reciprocity – or a particular case of it – and can be used as a synonym for reciprocity in some cases. Reciprocity dates back to the time of Hammurabi (about 1792-1750 BC). The Hammurabi Code, a compendium of 282 laws and norms, lists crimes and their various penalties, as well as guidelines for the conduct of citizens.
[Citation needed] The Code was a formalized example that called for individual action in the public interest. The “eye for an eye” principles in which laws were written reflect the idea of direct reciprocity. For example, if one person causes the death of another person, the murderer would be killed: what are the words often used to discuss reciprocity? In many cases, the standard of reciprocity is actually a good thing. This helps people behave in a socially acceptable way and allows them to engage in social concessions with others. But what should you do if you`re trying to overcome the urge to respond, e.B. avoid having to buy an item after receiving a gift? Reciprocity is a somewhat formal word. Acts of reciprocity can be positive or negative. Kunz received nearly 200 responses. Why should so many people respond to a complete stranger? This is the rule of reciprocity at work. Since Kunz had done something for them (sent a thoughtful note during the holiday season), many recipients felt compelled to reciprocate. An example of positive reciprocity is that waitresses who smile widely receive more tips than waitresses who present a minimal smile. [20] In addition, free samples are not just opportunities to try a product, but rather invitations to participate in the reciprocity rule.
Many people find it difficult to accept the free sample and walk away. Instead, they buy some of the product, even if they didn`t find it so enjoyable. [1] Both for the reciprocity of these obligations and it results from the actions of the sovereign powers themselves. The first records of the word reciprocity date back to the mid-1700s. It comes from the Latin reciprocus and means “alternation” or “reciprocal”. Positive reciprocity occurs when an action committed by one person that has a positive effect on another person is returned with an action that has roughly the same positive effect. [17] [18] For example, if someone is caring for another person`s dog, the person who received that favor should return that action with another favor, at para. B example with a small gift. However, the reciprocal action must correspond roughly to the first action in terms of positive value, otherwise it can lead to an unpleasant social situation. [19] If someone takes care of another person`s dog and that person reciprocates by buying a car from that person, the returned gift is inappropriate because it does not correspond to the original gesture.
Individuals expect actions to be reciprocal through actions that are roughly equivalent. [17] There are also a number of persuasion techniques that use the tactic of reciprocity. These strategies are used by people who are trying to convince you to act or adapt to a demand, such as .B. salespeople or politicians. Example: Most diplomatic relations are based on reciprocity. I won`t lie, reciprocity is important to me. I do things out of love, but I still expect you to match the energy. Richard Leakey and Roger Lewin attribute the nature of man to reciprocity. They claim that humans survived because our ancestors learned to share goods and services “in a network of honored commitment.” [11] Therefore, the idea that people are obliged to repay gifts and favors is a unique aspect of human culture. Cultural anthropologists support this idea in what they call the “debt network,” in which reciprocity is seen as an adaptive mechanism to improve survival.
[12] In this approach, reciprocity creates an interdependent environment in which work is shared, allowing people to be more efficient. For example, if one member of the group takes care of the children while another member looks for food for the group, each member provided a service and received one in return. Each member can devote more time and attention to the task assigned to them and the whole group benefits. This meant that individuals could give resources without actually giving them away. Thanks to the rule of reciprocity, sophisticated aid and trade systems have been possible, which has brought immense benefits to the companies that have used them. [1] Given the benefits of reciprocity at the societal level, it is not surprising that the norm persists and dictates our current knowledge and behavior. Reciprocity was also a cornerstone of ancient Greece. In Homeric Greece, citizens relied on reciprocity as a form of transaction, as there was no formal system of government or commerce. [7] In Homer`s Iliad, he illustrates several cases of reciprocal transactions in the form of gifts. For example, in Book VI of the Iliad, Glaucos and Diomedes exchange armor when they discover that their grandfathers were friends. [8] However, there have been times when direct reciprocity was not possible, especially in times of great need when a citizen had nothing to give for reimbursement.
Thus, delayed reciprocity was also prevalent in Greek culture at that time. Deferred reciprocity refers to giving gifts or favours to a person, with the understanding that he or she will repay that favour at another time when the original donor is in great need of it. This form of reciprocity was widely used by travelers, especially in the Odyssey. [7] Odysseus often had to rely on the kindness of human strangers and other mythological creatures to obtain resources during his journey. The background of the word reciprocity goes back to the Latin degree of reciprocity, which logically means “coming and going.” It is an appropriate meaning for a word that describes a system that moves goods and prefers them back and forth between participants, a kind of commercial version of the golden rule or, in another light, the phrase “You scratch my back and I will scratch yours.” In these important times, a non-united kingdom must quickly rediscover age-old virtues such as empathy, solidarity across borders, reciprocity between nations, and cooperation rather than conflict. .